International Team


IMPERIAL Banking Group is a Group that assembling the number of the global Companies, registered in various different jurisdictions, associated and linked with each other through common ownership structure and coordinated work. Activities and operations of the Group are based on the expertise of each Company structure and daily transactions at hand. Each of the IBG Group Company have a specific role and created purpose, short description detailed as follows:

IMPERIAL - Bank Trust

IMPERIAL - Bank Trust, is a Bankers Trust created on the territory of Native American tribes (family of Nations in USA), to manage assets of the Group and, manage an advanced banking system structure inside of the Group. Bank-Trust is established on year 2014 to provide Trust Management Services not only to IMPERIAL Group Members, but to the client database as well. IBT in its work acts as a fiduciary for the Group members and for the clients as well, with the trustee capacity for their financial activities and needs in daily dealing with another institutions and banks. At the present Trust is maintaining and managing assets of the IMPERIAL Group members, including the assets of the International Organization for Economic Development (OIDE), expanding the operations of the Group on to International Financial market.



IMPERIAL - Diamond Trust

IMPERIAL Diamond Trust was created to support IMPERIAL Banking Group members whose main activities are related to precious stones mining, and is created in USA as a supplier of the precious and game stones. Activities are mainly related to delivery stones to USA clients, but also for other clients located worldwide, as well, securing certification of the stones at GIA institute.



EuroConsultOne GmbH, hereafter known as ECO Germany

EuroConsultOne GmbH is a consultant company for activities in the European markets of finance, security and trade. ECO provides international trade service for our client base as needed. It is established in the country of Germany. When services are needed at arm’s length to satisfy the needs of our many clients, ECO provides the needed services without conflict in the European market.



IMPERIAL Diamond Trust

IMPERIAL Diamond Trust was registered in Florida USA with the Secretary of State to do business on international level. IDT supports the activities of the other Group Members in the area of activities in buy sell of the precious stones and gold for our American and international clients. Any activities that are reflected in the US currency are transacted through the USA branch office are processed by IDT. To secure the investment and maintain strong security of assets, funds, goods and services the US marketplace is utilized. Many of our client’s fear loses in dangerous jurisdictions of conflict and changing political climate and have requested a more stable selection for the activities that accomplish their needs. IDT-USA can provide that location and climate so our clients business can flourish without the threat of seizure of assets or corporate loses that cannot be recovered.



ClearScreen Services (known as the Database of Imperial Banking Group)

ClearScreen – Security Database is created to serve as Euroclear or Clearstream, to publish financial instruments in "online secured connection mode" for our client base. Worldwide activities can be monitored and conducted through the Database for all the clients and Companies presently serviced by IBG. The services of Banking, Securities and Transfer Agent operations can be conducted without fear to be monitored by any political or government eyes on the activities being conducted by our client base. A strong security software experts and developers has been engaged and have applied their best security products and skills to the Database, to secure all data in a remote location known only to the Board Members of the IBG. Data is stored and controlled at several key locations to create a redundant operation, so the Database is always up and running. Movement of Securities and Assets are ordered and completed only at the request and order of our clients. We can securely deliver bearer form instruments via Bonded Courier, or any item of value, within a normal timeframe without fear of government or any political stream intervention.



MarCon Holding Trust (Florida)

MarCon Holding Trust is a holding Trust registered in the state of Florida in the United States as a holding trust for the operation of finance worldwide. As a Trust Holding system, we are able to group many entities into one common ownership to solidify the existence of the IBG. Registered with the Secretary of State of Florida. MarCon oversees many of the IBG activities. This also allows for strong oversight from the Florida financial regulatory bodies to monitor our international activities to assure our client base that we maintain a moral fiduciary and custodial climate for the benefit of our clients.



TS-TriStar Imperial Securities and Finance LTDA / TS-TriStar Imperial Banking

TS-TriStar Imperial Banking is the company registered in Brazil to do the business in Brazil and worldwide. TSIB-BRAZIL supports the activities of the Group Members in the area of financial activities for our Brazilian clients and International clients. Any activities that are reflected in the gold and diamond mining and production will go through the Brazilian branch office. To secure the investment and maintain strong security of assets, funds, goods and services the Brazilian marketplace is utilized. Many of our clients are interested to invest their funds in the areas and commodities that are secure and tangible. TSIB-BRAZIL can provide that location and climate so our clients business can flourish without the threat of seizure of assets or corporate loses that cannot be recovered.



M&M IMPERIAL Commercial Brokers LLC, Dubai

MEM IMPERIAL Commercial Brokers registered to do business in Dubai / UAE offshore area; it is registered to support the activities of the other Companies in the area of financial activities for our clients requesting work in offshore area. Any activities that are reflected in the offshore area is to secure the investment and maintain strong security of assets, funds, goods and services that International marketplace utilizing. Many of our client’s fear loses in dangerous jurisdictions of conflict and changing political climate and have requested a more stable selection for the activities that accomplish their needs. MEM ICB can provide that location and climate so our clients business can flourish without the threat of seizure of assets or corporate loses that cannot be recovered.



GIA Solutions

GIA is Company registered to do the business and support clients activities in the area of trading platforms that require work in International trading arena. Any trading activities that are reflected on the various different trading fields are to secure the investments in commodities, worth papers and other placements and derivates on international marketplace. Many of our client’s fear loses in various different platforms and have requested a more stable selection for the activities that accomplish their needs in trading and generating the funds/sources for the needs of their projects (investments), especially their fear is related to trading activities related to the platforms under the international administrative limitations. GIA can provide access to secured platform sources, so our clients business can flourish without the threat of lousing invested funds or seizure of assets or corporate loses that cannot be recovered.



IMPERIAL - Trust Invest

Imperial Trust Invest (Israel) is a member of the finance and investment group of companies Imperial Banking Group which in its turn holds a chairmanship position in OIDE (International Organization of Economic Development). Imperial Trust Invest (Israel) consists of its following integral parts:

  • Imperial Trust Invest LTD (Georgia)
  • Imperial Finance Group LTD (Republic of Moldova)

Imperial Trust Invest (Israel) within the here mentioned companies, provide services related to strategic monitoring and optimization of the client’s resource requirements across the industry sectors all around the world. Also, the companies provide earmarked funding for large-scale projects in the construction sector, energy and mining industry and a lot more. On a case-by-case basis, they balanced approach to the relevant implementation of the financial instruments such as Bank Guarantees, Standby Letters of Credit, Mid Term Notes, Treasuries and other products. The companies provide the services, such as: financial monitoring, competent analytics of the data processing and diversified banking.




EQUITY & INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD is registered in UK, to do the business and support clients activities of the other Group Members in the area of financial intermediation worldwide. Any activities that are reflected to International financial market and are related to Equities and MTN/Bonds activities, are transacted through this office. To secure the investment and maintain strong security of the assets, funds and goods, services related to mentioned activities on the marketplace are utilized. Many of client’s that fear loses if their funds and assets are engaged in dangerous jurisdictions of conflict and changing political regions, have requested a more stable selection for the activities that accomplish their needs. EQUITY & INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD can provide those locations and climate, so our clients business can flourish without the threat of seizure of assets, or any corporate loses that cannot be recovered. The structure of the company allows to serve in the right way strategic and financing needs of the clients across all geographical locations and in any kind of industries globally. EQUITY & INVESTMENT HOLDINGS LTD, together with other members of IMPERIAL Banking Group, provides security in an extensive range of financial services to clients worldwide, including the banks, insurance companies, asset management companies, financial constructing companies and finance institutions.



IMPERIAL - Finance Group

IMPERIAL Finance Group founded in 2020 and maintained so far, an impressive client database all around the world, Imperial Finance Group LTD offers a wide range of professional services to a client that includes corporate organizations, financial institutions and government entities. The company is located in Republic of Moldova being a part of Imperial Banking Group companies. The structure of the company allows to serve in the right way strategic and financing needs of the clients across all geographical locations and any king of industries globally.




Keren Finance is an independent self-sustaining company, which in its turn offers professional services and expert solutions covering wide range of economic and industrial sector. All rendered services are corroborated with expertise, individual approach and co-operated key sources. Keren Finance business activity is a subset of business banking that involves a range of banking services that include investments, financing, provision of credit, cash management facilities, loans and related credit products, treasury services, fixed asset requirement financing. Also, the company provides services such as portfolio analysis, leverage analysis, debt and equity restructuring, analyses of real assets, management etc. All other services that are of importance to organize clear and legal arrangements.


IMPERIAL Structure-1  

IMPERIAL Clearing Services




























O.I.D.E. International Organization of Economic Development

B.R.I.O. International Reserve Bank