Security Database


CLEARSCREEN - Security Database is internal and public Security Screen for issued, registered and published instruments. Database contain a list of the instruments issued by IMPERIAL Banking Group (Group members), as well instruments issued by other Banks, Financial Institutions and Corporations. The form of the published instruments are various: MTN's/Bonds, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Note's, Bank Guarantees / SBLC, Stock Certificates, Bankers Drafts, etc.

Choose the form of the Instrument and insert instrument ISIN Number in the field below

Security warning: All instruments issued by one of the IMPERIAL Banking Group members can be offered to potential clients ONLY by our Legal Representatives and/or our office. If any offer come from private person or Company who are not authorized by us or do not have history of the instrument, please immediately report the violation to authorities for prosecuting. Thank you for understanding and cooperation.

Hotline Security Data Base:

 +1 (347) 354 1845
 +1 (954) 762 7581